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Using DHCP to configure static routes

According to RFC 3442, is possible to assign static routes using DHCP option 121. This is a very useful resource in all kind of environments, but most people doesn’t know about it. Basically, using option 121 on your DHCP server, you can deliver static routes to dhcp-clients. Let’s see how to do this using Mikrotik: ip dhcp-server option add code=121 name=route_192.168.11 value=0x18c0a80ba010101 And set this option in your network config: /ip dhcp-server network add address=192.

Managing FortiOS using Terraform

You want to manage your FortiOS device like Fortigate using a more reliable and a “zero-touch” environment. The Fortinet’s main goal with this provider, I guess, is for those who want to fully automate their environments on AWS, Azure, GCP or another cloud provider. But you can also use this provider to maintain your Fortigate box as well in a very efficient way. Yeah, I know, Ansible. Maybe It’s a better way to do this kind of management using Ansible, but I just want to show you that it is possible to do it in a different way.

Telegram notification script for Mikrotik

Sometimes the simpliest thing could offer a lot of advantages. To use this script you will need a Telegram Bot. It’s very simple and you dont need to do anything special to create a bot by yourself. Here you will find all that you need to create your first bot. To get the Chat ID you need to send a message to your bot in a group and access this address with your Bot Token: https://api.

Puppet Module to manage Puppet Agent

I’ve made this simple Puppet Module to keep everything under control on my Puppet Agents. It manages Puppet Repository, ensure that package is installed, that the service is running, and the configuration file with parameters defined for that node. The module is available at Puppet Forge. If you want to improve it or collaborate please, visit the project page at

Using Gitlab-CI to manage your Terraform/Cloudflare configuration

Everyone who uses Cloudflare already known the quality and reliability even for free plan users. So I don’t need any kind of backup alright? Wrong. We are humans and shit happens… all time… always. Actually, at this moment, someone are making a mistake. Ask to Murphy. That’s why it’s a good idea use Terraform and use a versioning system to maintain a history of modifications. Well, basically you will need to create a new repository in yours Gitlab account (if you didn’t yet), add your terraform files into this repository.